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After School Care

At the International School of Berne (ISBerne) we are very aware that the working day for many of our parents doesn’t always align with school hours. The ISBerne ‘After School Care’ (ASC) program provides a safe and caring environment, offering a range of active and restful activities for children in Early Learning 1 to Grade 5 or aged 3 - 11.

Our trained supervisors run the program every normal school day from dismissal time until 18:00. Children are supervised until collection, and a light, healthy snack is on offer. Our team is engaged with the children, playing games or offering a craft. Some children prefer to play on the playground, read a book or work on their homework during this time.

The ASC program does not run on public holidays, school holidays or special events, such as Student Led Conferences, and end-of-term early dismissal days. 

Where does ASC take place?

The ASC program is held in the Early Learning Center, with access to the playground.

How much does ASC cost?

The cost of the program is CHF15 per hour. Each incomplete hour will be rounded up. Parents will be invoiced by the school at the end of the term, for the whole term, based on the total hours attended.

How do I enrol my child?

As part of the Admissions Application packet you submit when you join our school, you can express your interest in care. If your family is already enrolled and would like to join, please contact our school office at +41 31 959 10 00 or to join.

Does ISBerne offer ‘Before School Care’?

When there is demand, we have offered Before School Care as well. If you are interested in Before School Care,  please contact our school office at +41 31 959 10 00 or to join.