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After School Activities

At the International School of Berne (ISBerne), students participate in a comprehensive selection of activities after school ends for the day at 15:30. Our After School Activities (ASA) programme provides students access to activities that are not offered within the framework of the curriculum, such as:

  • Non-competitive Sports
  • Band
  • Drama
  • Yearbook
  • Photography
  • Cub Scouts
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Lego Robotics
  • Dance

This programme complements, maintains, and develops our school’s curriculum by offering students challenging, new experiences to enrich their time at ISBerne. Our teachers organize most activities; however, the school also works with the community to provide special programmes at an additional cost. Some activities are occasionally held off-campus.

The programme is run in three cycles, which are each eight-week long. The activities are held once a week during each cycle for about an hour. There are opportunities for parents to view activities on offer and register their children online prior to each season. Registration information is communicated through our weekly parent email newsletter.

This video about ISBerne's After School Activities was created by our students in the Middle Years Programme during Spring 2022.

boy in school

What is After School Care?

At the International School of Berne (ISBerne), we realize that the working day doesn’t always align with school hours. Our After School Care programme offers a range of active and restful activities for children in Early Learning 1 to Grade 5 from dismissal time until 18:00.