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What will be studied?

At the International School of Berne, we offer teenagers the option of joining our school for a special Bridging Year (Brückenangebot / Passerelle) or 10th School Year.

Students will enter into the final year of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP), a curriculum we use to provide an inclusive and challenging education. This international curriculum helps students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. We ensure that all of our students have the skills and knowledge necessary for thriving academically, whether they continue here, another local school, or abroad.

Our students learn through inquiry, action, and reflection across subject groups connected through key concepts and global contexts. As a result, they develop skills that empower them to manage their learning, meet the objectives of the different subjects, and build a strong foundation for the future. In addition, they benefit from the following subject areas:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Mathematics
  • Integrated Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Visual Arts
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Design
  • Physical and Health Education

The International School of Berne is also a haven rich in the ArtsAthletics, and Activities. Our campus is nestled close to the rivers, forests, and mountains of the world-famous Bern region, a place that provides further opportunity for students to explore concepts linked to the natural environment and to reflect on their responsibility for its sustainability. Whether engaging in after school programmes, organized athletic events, or musical and dramatic performances, our students thrive on elevated opportunities to do, learn and experience more.

What is the Middle Years Programme?

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a curriculum framework designed for 11 – 16-year-olds by the International Baccalaureate® (IB). In an MYP classroom, you’ll notice that the students are at the center of learning. All subject areas are connected and linked to the world beyond school through inquiry into globally significant ideas and issues. Students learn to appreciate the values and traditions of people from their own and other cultures. 

This video produced by the International Baccalaureate Organization explains the MYP programme:

Creating a Personal Project

As part of the Bridging Year, students will create a personal project, They will choose a topic that interests them personally and a global context that helps the student to develop a project with a clear and specific focus.  Students will investigate, plan, take action, reflect, report and present the personal project. The assessment involves:

  • a Process Journal - record of involvement in the course
  • a Product or Outcome: 
    • Performances: play, dance, song, speech
    • Published writing: creative prose, collection of poetry, major essay, extended article, script, review,
    • Events: Fundraising evening, service in action, celebration, major event
    • Static visual displays: photographs, art, poster, model, artifact, drawings, statistical data
    • Interactive displays: website, video, audio-visual, animation
  • a Final Report

At specific intervals, students will meet with an advisor to:

  •   Discuss the global context and topic/question to ensure they complement each other
  •   Create a schedule for completing the project
  •   Discuss and review the student’s progress with the project
  •   Get help when a part of the project starts to present difficulties

This video showcases Personal Projects from previous Grade 10 students:

Participating in Careers and Pathways Testing

In Grade 10, all students at ISBerne take an online psychometric test, InterQuest, which gives insights into their talents and interests. Each student receives a report based on their results that they can use to make better decisions about what to study next, eventually helping them get onto the best pathway for their education and career.

This test has been developed by Step One in conjunction with Cambridge Occupational Analysts. Together these organizations work in many schools in the international community and help thousands of students to gain direction, confidence, and motivation to succeed in their educational goals.

Learn more